Dxn code strike health
Dxn code strike like
it so be really really careful with online and your supplements because they're
not all they're cracked up to be and can be potentially dangerous so the one
main thing that you're seeing with these supplements that is so dangerous is
it'll drop blood pressure with some people who will have interactions with meds
or who already have blood pressure issues the blood pressure down so in cause
dizziness falling or more serious issues so we want to look for that you also
want to look for potential toxins so some of the supplements that are being
made in China there's having trace amounts of heavy metals it's you're seeing
stuff also like lead and Mercury so you want to be careful of that there are
very few supplements on the market that I recommend the mental side effects hey
Jay I'm not sure I kind of read that quickly the mental side effects can you
rewrite that or put it on like a super chat so I have a more more than a second
Dxn code strike Review really
fast I'm not sure what you were getting at with the mental side effects but
when we do when I do talk about erection issues there are different mental
emotional issues with reference and people will have performance anxiety some
people will have issues when it comes to guilt or shame issues some people who
have past experience of sexual abuse will have issues so there's a lot of
mental emotional aspects maintaining obtaining health erection so not quite
sure I didn't have much of a chance to read that when you guys are posting
comments try to make it short or do a super chat because the long ones kind of
fade away really quickly and I can't I don't know so j'h feel free to repost
that and if any of you guys have any questions about any of the supplements
specific ones because there are so many on the market and because some of them
that have had potential negative side effects and lawsuits behind them what
they do is they take them off the market and they just rename them so there's
constantly a flux of out
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